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The African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (AJND) is a rapid, peer-reviewed, and quality platform that publishes scholarly works from all areas of Nutrition & Dietetics. The journal operates under the auspices of MJ & M Biolabs which is a renowned scientific firm founded by well-trained and experienced medical scientists in Africa. The journal’s turnaround time averagely spans from 4 to 8 weeks depending on the quality of the manuscript submitted. The peer review process is robust, detailed yet rapid. The journal utilizes highly trained & experienced scholars across the world in order to ensure that research outputs are of acceptable quality and credibility. 

The African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (AJND) is a member of Crossref, archives her published content in LOCKSS, and is currently listed on Google Scholar. 

  • Dr. Miriam A. Muga
  • ISSN (print): 3006-5526
  • Frequency: Continuously Updated 

Why us?

Open Access

African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics is a strong supporter of open access (OA). All the research articles published in the African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics are fully open-access.

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Peer Review Process

Committed to serving the scientific community, the African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (AJND) uses a double-blind peer-review process. The identities of both reviewers and authors remain anonymous. Each submitted manuscript is peer-reviewed by at least two experts. In some rare cases, we may start the third round of peer review according to the recommendations from the involved editors and reviewers.


The African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (AJND) is currently indexed and abstracted in CNKI Scholar, Crossref, NSD, and Google Scholar. 

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African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics welcomes original research articles, systematic review articles, case reports, and meta-analyses,  among other articles, and charges a publication fee of USD$150 for non-members and USD$100 for members.

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Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): African Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (AJND)
Published: 2024-03-12

Community Nutrition

Nutritional Research and Education

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